2022 / 11 / 05 / Date:[2022 / 11 / 05 ~ 2024 / 11 / 05]

【Dissertation】Graduate students of the Institute of Physics_Dissertation comparison report_Passing threshold (not more than 25%)

(1)【Turnitin】systematic comparison, and the similar percentage shouldn’t be 【higher than 25%】 (excluding self-citation).
       **This regulation is effective immediately, applies to postgraduate students applying for the oral examination in the first semester of the 2022 academic year.
(2) 【Students】print the comparison report on both sides (do not print the whole thesis, only the report), and mark the 【student number, name, and the date of the comparison】in the blank of 【the top of the first page of the report】.
(3) 【Professors】 please sign on the student's 【blank space on the first page of the comparison report】 and 【indicate the date】.
(4) The comparison report with the signature and consent of the advisor should be submitted at the same time as the oral examination application.
(Approved by the Department of Physics meeting on November 2, 2022)