

  • 職稱 特聘教授
    姓名 陳岳男
    分機 65268
    辦公室號碼 36580
    學歷 交通大學博士
    E-mail yuehnan@mail.ncku.edu.tw
    專長 量子資訊, 量子光學, 量子傳輸
  • Current position and relative experience:

    2020 ~ 2023, Director of QFort
    2018 ~ present, Distinguished Professor, NCKU
    2006 ~ 2010 and 2015~2019, Center Scientist of NCTS
    2014 ~ present, Professor, Dep. of Physics, NCKU
    2010 ~ 2014, Associate Professor, Dep. of Physics, NCKU
    2007~2010, 2015~2018 Coordinator of 「Quantum Information Science」 focus group
    Oct. 2006 ~ 2010, Assistant Professor, Dep. of Physics, NCKU


    Ph.D., Physics, Nov. 2001, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
    B.Sc., Physics, June 1996, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  • 2022 林振冬博士
    2022 黃慶瑜碩士
    2022 郭柏辰博士
    2021 黃胤鈞碩士
    2019 古煥宇博士
    2017 陳信良博士
    2015 陳宏斌博士
    2015 邱品禕碩士
    2015 施彥安碩士
    2015 古煥宇碩士
    2015 許詠聖碩士
    2015 趙勁翔碩士
    2011 陳緯博士
    2011 林瓚東碩士
    2010 金功碩士
    2010 吳俊德碩士
    2009 鄧仲庭碩士
    2008 陳宏斌碩士
  • 卓越領航計畫: 光子與原子系統中的量子優勢(2021~2025)
    科技部推動規劃補助計畫: 量子科技雲端計算中心 (2021~2024)
    Temporal Quantum Steering: Research Grant awarded from US Army research office (2019 ~ 2021)
  • 115. Po-Rong Lai, Jhen-Dong Lin, Yi-Te Huang, Hsien-Chao Jan, and Yueh-Nan Chen*,
    Quick charging of a quantum battery with superposed trajectories.
    Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023136 (2024).

    114. Wan-Guan Chang, Chia-Yi Ju*, Guang-Yin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Huan-Yu Ku*,
    Visually quantifying single-qubit quantum memory.
    Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023035 (2024)

    113. Chia-Yi Ju, Adam Miranowicz, Yueh-Nan Chen, Guang-Yin Chen, and Franco Nori,
    Emergent parallel transport and curvature in Hermitian and non-Hermitian quantum mechanics.
    Quantum 8, 1277 (2024).

    112. Po-Chen Kuo, Jhen-Dong Lin, Yin-Chun Huang, and Yueh-Nan Chen*,
    Controlling periodic Fano resonances of quantum acoustic waves with a giant atom coupled to a microwave waveguide.
    Optics Express 31, 42285 (2023).

    111. Yi-Te Huang, Po-Chen Kuo, Neill Lambert, Mauro Cirio, Simon Cross, Shen-Liang Yang, Franco Nori, Yueh-Nan Chen*,
    An efficient Julia framework for hierarchical equations of motion in open quantum systems.
    Communications Physics 6, 313 (2023).

    110.  Po-Chen Kuo, Neill Lambert, Mauro Cirio, Yi-Te Huang, Franco Nori, and Yueh-Nan Chen*,
    Kondo QED: The kondo effect and photon trapping in a two-impurity anderson model ultra-strongly coupled to light.
    Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043177 (2023).

    109. Jhen-Dong Lin and Yueh-Nan Chen*,
    Boosting entanglement growth of many-body localization by superpositions of disorder.
    Phys. Rev. A 108, 022203 (2023).

    108. Mauro Cirio, Neill Lambert, Pengfei Liang, Po-Chen Kuo, Yueh-Nan Chen, Paul Menczel, Ken Funo, and Franco Nori,
    Pseudofermion method for the exact description of fermionic environments: From single-molecule electronics to the Kondo resonance.
    Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033011 (2023).

    107. Huan-Yu Ku, Kuan-Yi Lee, Po-Rong Lai, Jhen-Dong Lin, and Yueh-Nan Chen*,
    Coherent activation of a steerability-breaking channel.
    Phys. Rev. A, 107, 042415 (2023).

    106. Kuan-Yi Lee, Jhen-Dong Lin, Adam Miranowicz, Franco Nori, Huan-Yu Ku, and Yueh-Nan Chen*,
    Steering-enhanced quantum metrology using superpositions of noisy phase shifts.
    Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013103 (2023).

    105. Feng-Jui Chan, Yi-Te Huang, Jhen-Dong Lin, Huan-Yu Ku, Jui-Sheng Chen, Hong-Bin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen*,
    Maxwell's two-demon engine under pure dephasing noise.
    Phys. Rev. A, 106, 052201 (2022).

    104. Huan-Yu Ku, Chung-Yun Hsieh, Shin-Liang Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Costantino Budroni,
    Complete classification of steerability under local filters and its relation with measurement incompatibility,
    Nature Communications 13, 4973 (2022).

    103. Jhen-Dong Lin, Ching-Yu Huang, Neill Lambert, Guang-Yin Chen, Franco Nori, and Yueh-Nan Chen*,
    Space-time dual quantum Zeno effect: Interferometric engineering of open quantum system dynamics,
    Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033143 (2022).

    102. Huan-Yu Ku, Josef Kadlec, Antonín Černoch, Marco Túlio Quintino, Wenbin Zhou, Karel Lemr, Neill Lambert, Adam Miranowicz, Shin-Liang Chen, Franco Nori, Yueh-Nan Chen*.
    Quantifying quantumness of channels without entanglement.
    PRX Quantum 3, 020338 (2022).

    101. Zhi-Peng Yang , Huan-Yu Ku, Alakesh Baishya, Yu-Ran Zhang, Anton Frisk Kockum, Yueh-Nan Chen, Fu-Li Li, Jaw-Shen Tsai, and Franco Nori,
    Deterministic one-way logic gates on a cloud quantum computer.
    Phys. Rev. A 105, 042610 (2022).

    100. Mauro Cirio, Po-Chen Kuo, Yueh-Nan Chen, Franco Nori, and Neill Lambert,
    Canonical derivation of the fermionic influence superoperator.
    Phys. Rev. B 105, 035121 (2022).

    99. Luke W. Smith, Hong-Bin Chen, Che-Wei Chang, Chien-Wei Wu, Shun-Tsung Lo, Shih-Hsiang Chao, I. Farrer, H. E. Beere, J. P. Griffiths, G. A. C. Jones, D. A. Ritchie, Yueh-Nan Chen, and Tse-Ming Chen,
    Electrically Controllable Kondo Correlation in Spin-Orbit-Coupled Quantum Point Contacts.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 027701 (2022).

    98. Huan-Yu Ku, Hao-Cheng Weng, Yen-An Shih, Po-Chen Kuo, Neill Lambert, Franco Nori, Chih-Sung Chuu*, and Yueh-Nan Chen*,
    Hidden nonmacrorealism: Reviving the Leggett-Garg inequality with stochastic operations
    Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043083 (2021)

    97. Shin-Liang Chen, Huan-Yu Ku, Wenbin Zhou, Jordi Tura, and Yueh-Nan Chen*,
    Robust self-testing of steerable quantum assemblages and its applications on device-independent quantum certification.
    Quantum 5, 552 (2021).

    96. Jhen-Dong Lin, Wei-Yu Lin, Huan-Yu Ku, Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori,
    Quantum steering as a witness of quantum scrambling.
    Phys. Rev. A 104, 022614 (2021).

    95. Shin-Liang Chen, Nikolai Miklin, Costantino Budroni, and Yueh-Nan Chen*,
    Device-independent quantification of measurement incompatibility.
    Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023143 (2021).

    94. H. B. Chen* and Y. N. Chen*,
    Canonical Hamiltonian ensemble representation of dephasing dynamics and the impact of thermal fluctuations on quantum-to-classical transition.
    Sci. Rep. 11, 10046 (2021).

    93. Yi-Te Huang, Jhen-Dong Lin, Huan-Yu Ku, and Yueh-Nan Chen*.
    Benchmarking quantum state transfer on quantum devices.
    Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023038 (2021). 

    92. H.Y. Ku, N. Lambert*, F.R. Jhan, C. Emary, Y.N. Chen*, F. Nori.
    Experimental test of non-macrorealistic cat-states in the cloud.
    npj Quantum Information, 6, 98 (2020). 

    91. Jhen-Dong Lin and Yueh-Nan Chen*. 
    Quantum direct cause across the Cherenkov threshold in circuit QED.
    Phys. Rev. A, 102, 042223 (2020). 

    90. Y. Y. Zhao, H. Y. Ku, S. L. Chen*, H. B. Chen, F. Nori, G. Y. Xiang*, C. F. Li, G. C. Guo, and Y. N. Chen*. 
    Experimental demonstration of measurement-device-independent measure of quantum steering.
    npj Quantum Information, 6, 77 (2020). 

    89. C. Y. Chu, M. H. Chou, G. Y. Chen*, and Y. N. Chen*. 
    Optical Quantum Frequency Filter Based on Generalized Eigenstates.
    Optics Express, 28, 17868 (2020). 

    88. Po-Chen Kuo, Neill Lambert, Adam Miranowicz, Hong-Bin Chen, Guang-Yin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori. 
    Collectively induced exceptional points of quantum emitters coupled to nanoparticle surface plasmons.
    Physical Review A, 101, 013814 (2020). 

    87. Quantifying the nonclassicality of pure dephasing,
    Nature Communications 10, 3794 (2019) , Hong-Bin Chen*, Ping-Yuan Lo, Clemens Gneiting, Joonwoo Bae, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori.

    86. Exploring the framework of assemblage moment matrices and its applications in device-independent characterizations,
    Phys. Rev. A 98, 042127 (2018), Shin-Liang Chen, Costantino Budroni, Yeong-Cherng Liang, and Yueh-Nan Chen.

    85. Probing higher-order transitions through scattering of microwave photons in the ultrastrong-coupling regime of circuit QED,
    Phys. Rev. A 98, 043803 (2018), Guan-Ting Chen, Po-Chen Kuo, Huan-Yu Ku, Guang-Yin Chen, and Yueh-Nan Chen*.

    84. Hierarchy in temporal quantum correlations, 
    Phys. Rev. A 98, 022104 (2018), Huan-Yu Ku, Shin-Liang Chen, Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori

    83. Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering: Its geometric quantification and witness,
    Phys. Rev. A 97, 022338 (2018), Huan-Yu Ku, Shin-Liang Chen, Costantino Budroni, Adam Miranowicz, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori.

    82. Simulating open quantum systems with Hamiltonian ensembles and the nonclassicality of the dynamics,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 030403 (2018), Hong-Bin Chen, Clemens Gneiting, Ping-Yuan Lo, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori.

    81. Thermodynamic description of non-Markovian information flux of non-equilibrium open quantum systems,
    Phys. Rev. A 96, 062114 (2017), Hong-Bin Chen, Guang-Yin Chen, and Yueh-Nan Chen*.

    80. Spatio-Temporal Steering for Testing Nonclassical Correlations in Quantum Networks, 
    Scientific Reports 7, 3728 (2017), Shin-Liang Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Guang-Yin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen*, Adam Miranowicz, Franco Nori.

    79. Plasmonic bio-sensing for the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex,
    Scientific Reports 7, 39720 (2017), Guang-Yin Chen*, Neill Lambert, Yen-An Shih, Meng-Han Liu, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori. 

    78. Temporal steering in four dimensions with applications to coupled qubits and magnetoreception,
    Phys. Rev. A 94, 062126 (2016), Ku Huan-Yu, Shin-Liang Chen, Hong-Bin Chen, Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori.

    77. Scattering of nanowire surface plasmons coupled to quantum dots with azimuthal angle difference,
    Scientific Reports 6, 37766 (2016), Po-Chen Kuo, Guang-Yin Chen, and Yueh-Nan Chen*.

    76. Vibration-induced coherence enhancement of the performance of a biological quantum heat engine,
    Phys. Rev. E 94, 052101 (2016), H. B. Chen, P. Y. Chiu, and Y. N. Chen*.

    75. Natural framework for device-independent quantification of quantum steerability, measurement incompatibility, and self-testing,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 240401 (2016), Shin-Liang Chen, Costantino Budroni, Yeong-Cherng Liang, and Yueh-Nan Chen.

    74. Experimental violation of Bell inequalities for multi-dimensional systems,
    Scientific Reports 6, 22088 (2016), Hsin-Pin Lo, Che-Ming Li, Atsushi Yabushita, Yueh-Nan Chen, Chih-Wei Luo, and Takayoshi Kobayashi.

    73. Quantifying non-Markovianity with temporal steering, 
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 020503 (2016), Shin-Liang Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Adam Miranowicz, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori.

    72. Certifying single-system steering for quantum-information processing,
    Phys. Rev. A 92, 062310 (2015), Che-Ming Li, Yueh-Nan Chen, Neill Lambert, Ching-Yi Chiu, and Franco Nori.

    71. Relative nonclassicality quantified by standard entanglement potentials can be increased by dissipation and unbalanced beam splitting,
    Phys. Rev. A 92, 062314 (2015), Adam Miranowicz, Karol Bartkiewicz, Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen, and Franco Nori.

    70. Detecting the existence of an invisibility cloak using temporal steering,
    Scientific Reports 5, 15571 (2015), S. L. Chen, C. S. Chao, and Y. N. Chen*.

    69. Hierarchy of non-Markovianity and k-divisibility phase diagram of quantum processes in open systems, 
    Phys. Rev. A 92, 042105 (2015), H. B Chen, J. Y. Lien, G. Y. Chen, and Y. N. Chen*.

    68. Using non-Markovian measures to evaluate quantum master equations for photosynthesis,
    Scientific Reports 5, 12753 (2015), H. B. Chen, N. Lambert, Y. C. Cheng, Y. N. Chen*, and F. Nori.

    67. Genuine high-order Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 010402 (2015), Che-Ming Li, Kai Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen, Qiang Zhang, Yu-Ao Chen, and Jian-Wei Pan.

    66. Statistical mixtures of states can be more quantum than their superpositions: Comparison of nonclassicality measures for single-qubit states,
    Phys. Rev. A 91,042309 (2015), A. Miranowicz, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Pathak, J. Pe\v{r}ina Jr., Y. N. Chen, and F. Nori.

    65. Multistability and condensation of exciton-polaritons below threshold,
    Phys. Rev. B 91, 024511 (2015), J. Y. Lien, Y. N. Chen*, N. Ishida, H. B. Chen, C. C. Hwang, and F. Nori.

    64. Increase of entanglement by local PT-symmetric operations,
    Phys. Rev. A 90, 054301 (2014), S. L. Chen, G. Y. Chen, and Y. N. Chen*.

    63. 量子生物學, 陳岳男, 自然科學簡訊 Vol. 26, pp. 116 (2014).

    62. Scattering of microwave photons in superconducting transmission-line resonators coupled to charge qubits,
    Phys. Rev. A 89, 053802 (2014), G. Y. Chen, M. H. Liu, and Y. N. Chen*.

    61. Long-lived quantum coherence and non-Markovianity of photosynthetic complexes,
    Phys. Rev. E 89, 042147 (2014), H. B. Chen, J. Y. Lien, C. C. Hwang, and Y. N. Chen*.

    60. Temporal steering inequality,
    Phys. Rev. A 89, 032112 (2014), Y. N. Chen*, C. M. Li, N. Lambert, Y. Ota, S. L. Chen, G. Y. Chen, and F. Nori.

    59. Entanglement swapping and testing quantum steering into the past via collective decay,
    Phys. Rev. A 88, 052320 (2013), Y. N. Chen*, S. L. Chen, N. Lambert, C. M. Li, G. Y. Chen, and F. Nori.

    58. Rerouting Excitation Transfers in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson Complex,
    Phys. Rev. E, 88, 032120 (2013), Guang-Yin Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori.

    57. Examining non-locality and quantum coherent dynamics induced by a common reservoir,
    Scientific Reports 3, 2514 (2013). G. Y. Chen, S. L. Chen, C. M. Li, and Y. N. Chen*.

    56. Quantum Biology, 
    Nature Physics 9, 10 (2013), Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen, Yuan-Chung Cheng, Che-Ming Li, Guang-Yin Chen, and Franco Nori.

    55. Witnessing Quantum Coherence: from solid-state to bio-logical systems,
    Scientific Reports 2, 885 (2012), Che-Ming Li, Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen*, Guang-Yin Chen, and Franco Nori.

    54. Delocalized single-photon Dicke states and the Leggett-Garg inequality in solid state systems,
    Scientific Reports 2, 869 (2012), Guang-Yin Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori.

    53. Functional quantum biology in photosynthesis and magnetoreception,
    arXiv:1205.0883 (2012), Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen, Yuan-Chung Cheng, Che-Ming Li, Guang-Yin Chen, Franco Nori.

    52. Correspondence between entanglement and Fano resonance of surface plasmons, 
    Opt. Lett. 37, 4023 (2012), G. Y. Chen and Y. N. Chen*. 

    51. Generating maximum entanglement under asymmetric couplings to surface plasmons,
    Opt. Lett. 37, 1337 (2012); G. Y. Chen, C. M. Li, and Y. N. Chen*.

    50. Controlling Fano resonance of nanowire surface plasmons,
    Opt. Lett. 36, 3602 (2011); W. Chen, G. Y. Chen, and Y. N. Chen*.

    49. Detecting quantum phase transitions of photons through a defect cavity,
    New J. Phys. 13, 083036 (2011), J. Y. Lien, Y. N. Chen*, and C. H. Chou.

    48. Surface plasmons in a metal nanowire coupled to colloidal quantum dots: Scattering properties and quantum entanglement,
    Phys. Rev. B, 84, 054310 (2011), G. Y. Chen, N. Lambert, C. H. Chou, Y. N. Chen*, and F. Nori.

    47. Retardation effects in quantum dot systems coupled via one-dimensional waveguides, 
    Opt. Commun. 284, 4529 (2011), H. B. Chen, G. Y. Chen, and Y. N. Chen*

    46. Magneto-electronic properties of rhombohedral trilayer graphene: Peierls tight-binding model, 
    Annals of Physics 326, 721 (2011), C. H. Ho, Y. H. Ho, Y. H. Chiu, Y. N. Chen, M. F. Lin

    45. Verifying genuine high-order entanglement
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 210504 (2010), C. M. Li, K. Chen, A. Reingruber, Y. N. Chen*, and J. W. Pan.

    44. Unified single-photon and single-electron counting statistics: From cavity QED to electron transport
    Phys. Rev. A 82, 063840 (2010), N. Lambert, Y. N. Chen*, and F. Nori

    43. Distinguishing quantum and classical transport through nanostructures
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 176801 (2010), N. Lambert, C. Emary, Y. N. Chen, and F. Nori.

    42. Coherent transport of nanowire surface plasmons coupled to quantum dots
    Opt. Express 18, 10360 (2010), W. Chen, G. Y. Chen, and Y. N. Chen*

    41. Pure dephasing of double-quantum-dot charge qubits in freestanding slabs
    Phys. Rev. B 81, 153301 (2010), Y. Y. Liao and Y. N. Chen

    40. Angle-dependent decoherence of charge qubits in free-standing slab
    J. Phys. C. 22, 045301 (2010), Y. Y. Liao, Y. N. Chen, and S. R. Jian

    39. Detecting Bose-Einstein condensation of exciton-polaritons via electron transport 
    Phys. Rev. B 80, 235335 (2009), Y. N. Chen*, N. Lambert, and F. Nori

    38. Quantum chaos and critical behavior on a chip 
    Phys. Rev. B 80, 165308 (2009), N. Lambert, Y. N. Chen, R. Johansson, and F. Nori

    37. Fluorescence signals of quantum dots influenced by spatially controlled array structures
    Nanotechnology 20, 415201 (2009), J. W. Chou, K. C. Lin, Y. T. Tang, F. K. Hsueh, Yao-Jen Lee, C. W. Luo, Y. N. Chen, C. T. Yuan, Hsun-Chuan Shih, W. C. Fan, M. C. Lin, W. C. Chou and D. S. Chuu. 

    36. Detecting non-Markovian plasmonic bandgaps in quantum dots using electron transport
    Phys. Rev. B 79, 245312 (2009); Y. N. Chen*, G. Y. Chen, Y. Y. Liao, N. Lambert, and F. Nori. 

    35. Quantum-dot exciton dynamics with a surface plasmon: Band-edge quantum optics
    Phys. Rev. A 79, 033815 (2009); Y. N. Chen, G. Y. Chen, D. S. Chuu, and T. Brandes.

    34. Proposal for observation of retardation effect between two quantum dots via current noise
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 132101 (2008); Yueh-Nan Chen* and Lukas Gilz.
    (Selected as the Cover Image for APL Sep. 29, 2008)

    33. Spontaneous emission of quantum dot excitons into surface plasmons in a nanowire
    Opt. Lett. 33, 2212 (2008); G. Y. Chen, Y. N. Chen*, and D. S. Chuu.

    32. Photoinduced fluorescence enhancement in colloidal CdSeTe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 183108 (2008); C. T. Yuan, W. C. Chou, D. S. Chuu, 
    Y. N. Chen, C. A. Lin, and W. H. Chang.

    31. Proposal for detection of non-Markovian decay via current noise,
    Phys. Rev. B 77, 035312 (2008); Yueh-Nan Chen and Guang-Yin Chen.

    30. Decoherence of a charge qubit embedded inside a suspended phonon cavity,
    Phys. Rev. B 77, 033303 (2008); Y. Y. Liao, Y. N. Chen, W. C. Chou, D. S. Chuu.

    29. Study of fluorescence enhancement of colloidal CdSe/ZnS quantum dots bound to hexadecylamine by single-molecule measurements, J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 15166 (2007), 
    Chi-Tsu Yuan, Wu-Ching Chou, Yueh-Nan Chen, Jui-Wen Chou, Der-San Chuu, Cheng-An J. Lin, Jimmy K. Li, Walter H. Chang, and Ji-Lin Shen.

    28. Entanglement detection via the condition of quantum correlation, 
    Phys. Rev. A 76, 032313 (2007); Che-Ming Li, Li-Yi Hsu, Yueh-Nan Chen, Der-San Chuu, and Tobias Brandes.

    27. The Aharonov-Bohm effect in concentric quantum double rings,
    Solid State Communications 143, 515 (2007); Guang-Yin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen, and Der-San Chuu.

    26. Super-Poissonian noise in a quantum dot p-i-n junction,
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 162114 (2007); Yueh-Nan Chen.

    25. Studies on the electronic and vibrational states of colloidal CdSe/ZnS quantum dots under high pressures,  Nanotechnology 18, 185402 (2007); C. T. Yuan, Y. C. Lin, Y. N. Chen, Q. L. Chiu, W. C. Chou, D. S. Chuu, W. H. Chang, H. S. Lin, R. C. Ruaan and C.M. Lin.

    24. Electron transport of a driven three-level system in an asymmetric double quantum dot irradiated by an external field, 
    Phys. Rev. B. 75, 125325 (2007), Liao YY, Chuu DS, and Chen YN.

    23. Orientation of adsorbed dipolar molecules: A conical well model
    Phys. Rev. B. 73, 115421 (2006); Liao YY, Chen YN, Chou WC, and Chuu DS.

    22. Spin relaxation in a GaAs quantum dot embedded inside a suspended phonon cavity, 
    Phys. Rev. B. 73, 085310 (2006), Liao YY, Chen YN, Chuu DS, and T. Brandes.

    21. Effect of laser pulses on the generation of rotational entangled states between two molecules, 
    J. Phys. B, 39 421 (2006), Liao YY, Chen YN, Li CM, and Chuu DS.

    20. Shot noise of quantum ring excitons in a planar microcavity, 
    Phys. Rev. B. 72, 233301 (2005), Chen YN, Chuu DS, and Cheng SJ.

    19. Current noise of a quantum dot p-i-n junction in a photonic crystal, 
    Phys. Rev. B. 72, 153312 (2005), Chen YN, Chuu DS, and T. Brandes.

    18. Proposal for teleportation of charge qubits via superradiance, 
    New Journal of Physics 7, 172 (2005), Chen YN, Li CM, Chuu DS, and T. Brandes.

    17. W state generation and effect of cavity photons on the purification of dot-like single quantum well excitons, IJQI 3, 111 (2005), Li CM, Chen YN, Luo CW, Hsieh JY, and Chuu DS.

    16. Alignment and orientation of absorbed dipole molecules,
    Phys. Rev. B. 70, 233410 (2004), Y. Y. Liao, Chen YN, and Chuu DS.

    15. Orientations of two coupled molecules,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 398, 418 (2004), Liao YY, Chen YN and Chuu DS.

    14. Shot noise spectrum of superradiant entangled excitons, 
    Phys. Rev. B. 69, 245323 (2004), Chen YN, T. Brandes, Li CM, and Chuu DS.

    13. Superradiant and Aharonov-Bohm effect for the quantum ring exciton, 
    Solid State Commun. 130, 491 (2004), Chen YN and Chuu DS.

    12. Renormalized frequency shift of a Wannier exciton in a one-dimensional system, 
    Phys. Lett. A 324, 86 (2004), Chen YN and Chuu DS.

    11. Current detection of superradiance and induced entanglement of double quantum dot excitons, 
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 166802 (2003), Chen YN, Chuu DS, and T. Brandes.

    10. Current induced entanglement of double quantum dot excitons, 
    International journal of nanoscience Vol. 2, 527 (2003), Chen YN and Chuu DS.

    9. Decay rate and renormalized frequency shift of superradiant exciton in a cylindrical quantum wire, 
    Physica B 334, 175 (2003), Chen YN and Chuu DS,

    8. Resonant tunneling into a quantum dot embedded inside a microcavity, 
    Phys. Rev. B 66, 165316 (2002), Chen YN and Chuu DS

    7. Bound state of the quantum dot formed at intersection of L- or T-shaped quantum wire in inhomogeneous magnetic field,  J. Appl. Phys. 91, 3054 (2002), Lin YK, Chen YN, Chuu DS.

    6. Bound states of L- or T-shaped quantum wires in inhomogeneous magnetic fields,
    Phys. Rev. B 64, 193316 (2001), Lin YK, Chen YN, Chuu DS.

    5. Decay rate and renormalized frequency shift of a quantum wire Wannier exciton in a planar microcavity, 
    Phys. Rev. B 64, 125307 (2001), Chen YN, Chuu DS, Brandes T and Kramer. B.

    4. Decay rate of a Wannier exciton in low-dimensional systems, 
    Europhys. Lett. 54, 366 (2001), Chen YN and Chuu DS.

    3. Effect of electron-phonon interaction on the impurity binding energy in a quantum wire, 
    Physica B 291, 228 (2000), Chuu DS, Chen YN and Lin YK.

    2. Decay rate and renormalized frequency shift of superradiant excitons: Crossover from two-dimensional to three-dimensional crystals
    Phys. Rev. B 61, 10815 (2000), Chen YN and Chuu DS.

    1. The effect of electron-phonon interaction on the impurity binding energy in a quantum well, 
    J. Phys. C 11, 8185 (1999), Chen YN, Chuu DS and Lin YK
  • Awards

    MOST Outstanding Research Award 科技部傑出研究獎 (2021)
    CTCI Outstanding Physics Research Award 中技社傑出物理學術獎 (2020)
    Ta-You Wu Memorial Award 吳大猷先生紀念獎 (2013)
    K. T. Li Research Award 李國鼎研究獎 (2012)
    NCTS Young Theorist Award 年輕理論學者獎 (2010)

    Invited interview/ News

    1. 物理雙月刊封面人物
    2. 用數學解決物理 成大物理教授為開放性量子系統理論闢新徑 (中時電子報)
    3. 物理雙月刊:2018一場值得紀念的對談:達賴喇嘛與物理學家
    4. 工程中心專訪量子團隊
    5. 華視《諾貝爾面對面》特別節目
    6. 科普一傳十--現代通訊戰
    7. New Scientist報導量子電池