
教授黃文宏 Huang, Wung-Hong

  • 職稱 教授
    姓名 黃文宏 Huang, Wung-Hong
    E-mail whhwung@mail.ncku.edu.tw

  • 電子郵件/Email Address whhwung@mail.ncku.edu.tw
    專長/Expertise 弦論,重力宇宙論,粒子場論,統計相變
    個人網頁/Personal Website ww2.phys.ncku.edu.tw/~whhwung/
  • 學歷 台灣清華大學物理博士
  • 編號 畢業年份 姓名 學位 畢業論文 共同指導
    3 2003 鍾雨潔 碩士 Quantum Energy of Fuzzy Sphere  
    2 1994 楊世安 碩士 Spherical Cosmic Wall in Phase transition  
    1 1993 陳世澤 博士 Phase Transition of Clock-Spin Model  
  • 編號 計劃名稱(編號) 執行期間 補助單位 擔任職務
    4 非對易時空的物理理論與現象 2009.08~2012.07 國科會 主持人
    3 規範場與重力場對偶性質之研究 2008.08~2009.07 國科會 主持人
    2 ~~~~~~無申請~~~~~~~ 1991~2008    
    1 早期宇宙 19901001~19910930 國科會 主持人
  • 物理講義:

    1) 黃文宏---"廣義相對論-時空與重力 (大學物理講義,2005)

    3) 黃文宏---大坪頂 "風雲乙未年" (2015-台語文,台灣歷史長篇小說)
    2) 黃文宏---大坪頂 "練武護家園" (2014-台語文,台灣歷史長篇小說)
    1) 黃文宏---大坪頂 "雙俠鐵鴛鴦" (2013-台語文,台灣歷史長篇小說)

    1) 黃文宏---"Tńg來米雅部落" (2011-台語文中篇小說)(2012~2105 台文通訊bong報) (透過奇妙ê遭遇,描寫土地、生態、族群認同、生命歸屬e浪漫愛情故事) (http://www.phys.ncku.edu.tw/~whhwung/)

    6) 黃文宏---"黑色ê鐘聲"(2013-台語文短篇小說) 描寫社會無公義、無真理ê心理,kap造成e原因.
    5) 黃文宏---"金色ê樓梯" (2013-台語文短篇小說) 描寫選舉買票e心理,kap官商勾結,政治腐敗人心e悲哀.
    4) 黃文宏---"菩薩榮ê成佛" (2011-台語文短篇小說)(2012,台文通訊bong報) 描寫選舉買票kah政治ê lah-sap.
    3) 黃文宏---"白色ê山嶺" (2011-台語文短篇小說)(2012 台文通訊bong報) 描寫228事件ê殘暴kah悽慘.
    2) 黃文宏---"半暝過溪" (2011-台語文短篇小說)(2011,台文通訊) 描寫台灣婦女ê辛苦kap偉大.
    1) 黃文宏---"檳榔e目屎"(2011-台語文短篇小說)(2011,台文通訊) 描寫賣檳榔少女ê無奈kap可憐.

    4) 黃文宏---"懷念ê細條溪" (2013 台文世界)
    3) 黃文宏---"台灣逐族母語ài納入中學必修課程" (2015 台文通訊bong報)
    2) 黃文宏---"祕境烏石崎":人文、歷史、景觀、宗教交參e所在"(2009,台文通訊) (台語文散文)http://www.phys.ncku.edu.tw/~whhwung/
    1) 黃文宏---"謎樣 e Favorlang ê人;奇妙 ê Favorlang e 數字"(2008,台文通訊)
    (台語文散文)(Favorlang 語例與語法,台語文自序)

    1) 黃文宏---"春天ê太陽花"(2014,台文世界)
    2) 黃文宏---"南榕廣場ê大學生"(2014,自由廣場)

    4) 黃文宏---西拉雅語聖詩50首(將國內外聖詩,如平安夜,奇異恩典..等翻譯成西拉雅語, 2010.
    3) 黃文宏---Favorlang 語例與語法:台灣平埔語-「拍瀑拉,巴布薩,(貓霧捒etc),洪雅,
    (和安雅)語, (台灣西書出版, 2008) (分佈佇台中、彰化、雲林、嘉義一帶e平埔語)
    2) 黃文宏---西拉雅語字典 : download後 可以將字體放大
    1) 黃文宏---西拉雅語語法與實例,台灣平埔語 (台灣西書出版, 2002) (「西拉雅」族語。台南、高雄、屏東一帶)
    Impact Factor:

    JHEP (Journal of High Energy Physics)----5.94
    Phys. Lett. B-------- 5.30
    Phys. Rev. D--------- 4.85
    Single-Author Publications of 2000~ (SCI)
    Superstring Unify Theory:


    77) 以後論文 : https://arxiv.org/find/hep-th/1/au:+Huang_W/0/1/0/all/0/1

    76) Wung-Hong Huang, Landau Free Energy and Analytic Tricritical Point in Holographic Superfluid, Int.J.Mod.Phys.A30 (2015) 1550035

    75) Wung-Hong Huang, Generalized Gravitational Entropy of Interacting Scalar Field and Maxwell Field, Physics Letters B. 739 (2014) 365-369.

    74) Wung-Hong Huang,Analytic Study of First-Order Phase Transition in Holographic Superconductor and Superfluid, Int.J.Mod.Phys.A28(2013)1350140.

    73) Wung-Hong Huang, General Lagrangian of Non-Covariant Self-dual Gauge Field, JHEP 1211(2012)051

    72) Wung-Hong Huang, Lagrangian of Self-dual Gauge Fields in Various Formulations, Nucl. Phys. B861 (2012) 403-423

    71) Wung-Hong Huang, KK6 from M2 in ABJM, JHEP 1105 (2011) 054

    70) Wung-Hong Huang, Entropy of Black-Branes System and T-Duality, Gen.Rel.Grav.43 (2011)1443

    69) Wung-Hong Huang, KK6 from M2 in BLG, JHEP 1009 (2010) 109

    68) Wung-Hong Huang, Thermodynamics on Fuzzy Spacetime, JHEP 0908 (2009) 102

    67) Wung-Hong Huang, Kuo-Wei Huang, Thermodynamics on Noncommutative Geometry in Coherent State Formalism, Physics Letters B 670 (2009) 416-420

    66) Wung-Hong Huang, Holographic Description of Glueball and Baryon in Noncommutative Dipole Gauge Theory, JHEP 06 (2008) 006

    65) Wung-Hong Huang, Chiral Dynamics and Meson with Non-commutative Dipole Field in Gauge/Gravity Dual, Physics Letters B 665 (2008) 271-276

    64) Wung-Hong Huang, Wilson-t'Hooft Loops in Finite-Temperature Non-commutative Dipole Field Theory from Dual Supergravity, Phys.Rev. D76 (2007) 106005.

    63) Wung-Hong Huang, Thermal Giant Graviton with Non-commutative Dipole Field, JHEP 0711 (2007)015.

    62) Wung-Hong Huang, Dual String Description of Wilson Loop in Non-commutative Gauge Theory, Phys.Lett. B647 (2007) 519-525.

    61) Wung-Hong Huang, Giant Magnons under NS-NS and Melvin Fields, JHEP 0612 (2006) 040

    60) Wung-Hong Huang, Spin Chain with Magnetic Field and Spinning String in Magnetic Field Background, Phys.Rev. D74 (2006) 027901.

    59) Wung-Hong Huang, Spinning String and Giant Graviton in Electric/Magnetic Field Deformed AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4, Phys.Rev. D73 (2006) 126010.

    58) Wung-Hong Huang, Semiclassical Strings in Electric and Magnetic Fields Deformed AdS_5 x S^5 Spacetimes, Phys.Rev. D73 (2006) 026007.

    57) Wung-Hong Huang, Electric/Magnetic Field Deformed Giant Gravitons in Melvin Geometry, Phys.Lett. B635 (2006) 141.

    56) Wung-Hong Huang, Multi-spin String Solutions in Magnetic-flux Deformed AdS_n x S^m Spacetime, JHEP 0512 (2005) 013.

    55) Wung-Hong Huang, Instability of Tachyon Supertube in Type IIA Godel Spacetime, Phys.Lett. B615 (2005) 266.

    54) Wung-Hong Huang, Anti-de Sitter D-branes in Curved Backgrounds, JHEP 0507 (2005) 031.

    53) Wung-Hong Huang, Tubular Solutions of Dirac-Born-Infeld Action on Dp-Brane Background, Phys.Lett. B608 (2005) 244.

    52) Wung-Hong Huang, Tubular Solutions in NS5-brane, Dp-brane and Macroscopic Strings Backgrounds, JHEP 0502 (2005) 061.

    51) Wung-Hong Huang, Entropy and Quantum States of Tachyon Supertube, Journal of High Energy Physics, JHEP 0412 (2004) 002.

    50) Wung-Hong Huang, Tube of (Circle F, D0, D2) Bound State in Melvin background, Phys. Lett. B599 (2004) 301.

    49) Wung-Hong Huang, Tachyon Tube on non BPS D-branes, Journal of High Energy Physics, JHEP 0408 (2004) 060.

    48) Wung-Hong Huang, Condensation of Tubular D2-branes in Magnetic Field Background, Phys. Rev. D70 (2004) 107901.

    47) Wung-Hong Huang, Fuzzy Rings in D6-Branes and Magnetic Field Background, Journal of High Energy Physics, JHEP 0407 (2004) 012.

    46) Wung-Hong Huang, On Tachyon Condensation of Intersecting Noncommutative Branes in M(atrix) Theory, Phys. Lett. B578 (2004) 418.

    45) Wung-Hong Huang, Thermal Instability of Giant Graviton in Matrix Model on PP-wave Background, Phys. Rev. D69 (2004) 067701.

    44) Wung-Hong Huang, Recombination of intersecting D-branes in tachyon field theory. Phys. Lett. B564 (2003) 155.

    43) Wung-Hong Huang, Brane-anti-brane interaction under tachyon condensation. Phys. Lett. B561 (2003) 153.

    42) Wung-Hong Huang, Effective potential on fuzzy sphere. JHEP 0207 (2002) 064.

    41) Wung-Hong Huang, Quantum stabilization of compact space by extra fuzzy space. Phys. Lett. B537 (2002) 311.

    40) Wung-Hong Huang, High temperature effective potential of noncommutative
    scalar field theory: reduction of degree of freedom by noncommutativity. Phys. Rev. D63 (2001) 125004.

    39) Wung-Hong Huang, Casimir effect on the radius stabilization of the noncommutative torus. Phys. Lett. B497 (2001) 317.

    38) Wung-Hong Huang, Finite temperature casimir effect on the radius stabilization of noncommutative torus. JHEP 0011 (2000) 041.

    37) Wung-Hong Huang, Two loop effective potential in noncommutative scalar field theory. Phys. Lett. B496 (2000) 206.

    36) Wung-Hong Huang, Thermodynamics of nonabelian exclusion statistics. Phys. Lett. A269 (2000) 333.

    35) Wung-Hong Huang, Microcanonical statistics of black holes and bootstrap condition. Phys. Rev. D62 (2000) 043002.
    Cosmology and Gravitation & Fractional Statistics:
    Single-Author Publications of 1990-1999 (SCI)
    34) Wung-Hong Huang, Chronology protection in generalized godel space-time. Phys. Rev. D60 (1999) 067505.

    33) Wung-Hong Huang, Fractional exclusive statistics of two-species gases. Phys. Rev. B60 (1999) 15742.

    32) Wung-Hong Huang, Comment on quantum statistical mechanics of an ideal gas with fractional exclussion statistics in arbitrary dimension. Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 2392.

    31) Wung-Hong Huang, Semiclassical gravitation and quantization for the bianchi type i universe with large anisotropy. Phys. Rev. D58 (1998) 084007.

    30) Wung-Hong Huang, Expansion of effective action in curved space-time with large anisotropy. Phys. Lett. B434 (1998) 257

    29) Wung-Hong Huang, Quantization of semiclassical gravitation theory in anisotropic space-time. Phys. Lett. B403 (1997) 8.

    28) Wung-Hong Huang, One loop effective action on rotational space-time: zeta function regularization and schwinger perturbative expansion. Annals Phys. 254 (1997) 69.

    27) Wung-Hong Huang, Statistics of anyon gas the factorizable property of thermodynamic quantities. Phys.Rev.B53 (1996) 15842.

    26) Wung-Hong Huang, Statistical interparticle potential between two anyons. Phys.Rev.B52 (1995) 15090.

    25) Wung-Hong Huang, Boson-Fermion transmutation and statistics of anyon. Phys.Rev.E51 (1995) 3739.

    24) Wung-Hong Huang, Conformal transformation of renormalized effective action in curved space-times. Phys.Rev.D51 (1995) 579.

    23) Wung-Hong Huang, On the bifraction in a modulated logistic map. Phys. Lett. A194 (1994) 57.

    22) Wung-Hong Huang, Thermodynamics of ideal boson and fermion gases in the static Taub universe. J. Math. Phys. 35 (1994) 3594.

    21) Wung-Hong Huang, Triviality and renormalization of scalar fields in anisotropic space-times. Class. Quant. Grav.11 (1994) 1305.

    20) Wung-Hong Huang, Effective action of scalar field in a curvature spacetime with a small inhomogeneity. Phys. Rev. D48 (1993) 3914.

    19) Wung-Hong Huang, Quantum field effects on cosmological phase transition in anisotropic space-times. Class. Quant. Grav.10 (1993) 2021.

    18) Wung-Hong Huang, Gravitational field of radiating cosmic string. Phys. Rev. D47 (1993) 711.

    17) Wung-Hong Huang, Adiabatic regularization of the quantum stress energy
    tensor in curved space-times: path integral quantization method. Phys. Rev. D47 (1993) 1595.

    16) Wung-Hong Huang, Hawking radiation of a quantum black hole in an inflationary universe. Class. Quant. Grav.9 (1992) 1199.

    15) Wung-Hong Huang, Adiabatic regularization of the quantum stress - energy tensor in curved space-times: stochastic quantization method. Phys. Rev. D46 (1992) 2560.

    14) Wung-Hong Huang, Finite temperature cosmological phase transition in a rotating space-time. Class. Quant. Grav.8 (1991) 1471.

    13) Wung-Hong Huang, Renormalization of the quantum stress energy tensor in inhomogeneous space-times: adiabatic regularization method. Phys. Rev. D43 (1991) 1262.

    12) Wung-Hong Huang, Adiabatic regularization method in inhomogeneous space -time. Phys. Lett. B258 (1991) 40.

    11) Wung-Hong Huang, Coleman-weinberg symmetry breaking in the early universe with an inhomogeneity. Class. Quant. Grav.8 (1991) 83.

    10) Wung-Hong Huang, Quantum field effect on symmetry breaking and restoration in anisotropic space-times. Phys. Rev. D42 (1990) 1287.

    9) Wung-Hong Huang, Spectrum of a particle created in inhomogeneous space- times. Phys. Lett. B244 (1990) 378.

    8) Wung-Hong Huang, Anisotropic cosmological models with energy density dependent bulk viscosity. J. Math. Phys. 31 (1990) 1456.

    7) Wung-Hong Huang, Effects of the shear viscosity on the character of cosmological evolution. J. Math. Phys. 31 (1990) 659.
    Single-Author Publications of 1986-1989 (SCI)
    6) Wung-Hong Huang, No go theorem of the infrared divergences generated by cosmological evolution. Phys. Lett. B232 (1989) 177.

    5) Wung-Hong Huang, Particle creation in kaluza-klein cosmology. Wung-Hong Huang , Phys. Lett. A140 (1989) 280.

    4) Wung-Hong Huang, Isotropization and cosmological dimensional reduction in the cosmological models with a viscous fluid. Phys. Lett. A136 (1989) 21.

    3) Wung-Hong Huang, Bianchi type I cosmological model with bulk visocity. Phys. Lett. A129 (1988) 429.

    2) Wung-Hong Huang, Kaluza-klein reduction of gauss-bonnet curvature. Phys. Lett. B203 (1988) 105.

    1) Wung-Hong Huang, On the no-go theorem of supersymmetry breaking. Phys. Lett. B179 (1986) 92.
  • 年次 姓名 服務單位 國科會獎勵 代表作名稱
    1987 黃文宏 成大物理 甲種 On the no-go theorem of supersymmetry breaking
    1988 黃文宏 成大物理 甲種 Kaluza-Klein Reduction of Gauss-Bonnet curvature
    1989 黃文宏 成大物理 甲種 Bianchi Type I cosmological model with bulk viscosity
    1990 黃文宏 成大物理 優等 NO-GO Theorem of the Infrared divergences generated by cosmological evolution
    1991 黃文宏 成大物理 優等 Renormalization of quantium stress-energy tensor in inhomogeneous
    1992 黃文宏 成大物理 優等 Hawking Radiation of a Quantum Black Hole in an Inflationary Universe