2023 / 09 / 28

The registration of 2024th academic year master's and doctoral program admissions examination strats from September 27th, 2023 to October 5th, 2023, 16:00.

For those who are interested, please register in time.
For the latest announcements regarding the 2024th academic year's master's program admissions examination: https://adms-acad.ncku.edu.tw/p/406-1044-227147,r3265.php?Lang=zh-tw
For the latest announcements regarding the 2024th academic year's doctoral program admissions examination: https://adms-acad.ncku.edu.tw/p/406-1044-227150,r3266.php?Lang=zh-tw
Online enrollment registration system: https://campus4.ncku.edu.tw/wwwmenu/program/net/door/WebExams/