Graduation2024 / 01 / 17 / [2024 / 01 / 17~]
112學年度 第二次 博士班資格考試相關公告 ( Announcement: 2024 Spring Semester PhD Qualifying Exam)
Graduation2022 / 11 / 05 / During:[2022 / 11 / 05~2024 / 11 / 05]
【Dissertation】Graduate students of the Institute of Physics_Dissertation comparison report_Passing threshold (not more than 25%)
(Approved by the Department of Physics meeting on November 2, 2022)
Graduation2021 / 02 / 01
【Master Degree Examination】Final defense process and notifications
Pay attention to the deadline of submitting the oral defense application to the department
If the application form cannot be submitted 2 weeks before the oral test date, you may have to pay the relevant expenses in advance by yourself. -
Graduation2021 / 02 / 01
【English Requirement from 2015 Academic Year】 English Requirement for Department of Physics
The graduation requirement of the Department of Physics is CEFR-B2; students who do not meet the standard should elect the "Online English Rehabilitation" course and pass it.
Graduation2021 / 02 / 01
【School Leaving Form】(filled out online, no need to print out) Students must fill out the form online, and the department staff will check it before the final approval.
If there are any borrowed items unreturned, missed reimbursement documents, thesis unsubmitted, etc., the department office will not stamp the form.